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FLEGT licences from Indonesia

FLEGT licences from Indonesia

On 15 November 2016, Indonesia started issuing FLEGT licences to verified legal products it exports to the EU. This page provides background information on Indonesian FLEGT licences, links to more information and answers to frequently asked questions.


Since 2001, Indonesia has made great progress in its efforts to eliminate illegal logging, including by developing and improving a national timber legality assurance system called SVLK.

Between 2007 and 2011, Indonesia and the EU negotiated a Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) to promote trade in legal timber products and improve forest governance. The VPA process provided significant opportunities to improve the SVLK.

In 2014 the two parties ratified the agreement and began implementing the VPA commitments. In 2016, the EU and Indonesia confirmed that Indonesia had met the final requirements of the VPA, and Indonesia began issuing FLEGT licences on 15 November 2016. Now that FLEGT licensing is operational, and for product types listed in the VPA’s revised annex I, Indonesia exports to the EU only verified legal timber products accompanied by FLEGT licences.

Indonesia’s FLEGT licensed products are deemed to comply with requirements of the EU Timber Regulation. This means EU-based operators do not need to do further due diligence before placing FLEGT-licensed products on the market. Since 15 November 2016, products listed in the VPA’s revised annex I can no longer enter the EU unless they have a FLEGT licence.

An Indonesia-EU Joint Implementation Committee oversees implementation of the VPA and responds to any concerns as they arise. Implementation therefore improves as it proceeds.

FLEGT Licenses